P3/P4/P5 - Unit 3: Pre-production/Production/Post-production materials for my product.

Originally my plan was to use the teams to create a tournament style voting system that allowed for the users on social media to vote for who they wanted or who they want to win. At this time we have decided that we aren't going to add this yet and try and be more simplistic for the first year, however we may add this feature in the coming years.

This is the website that is still in development and we plan to have this sorted out for people who want more in depth information about a team, player, coach, etc. As of right now this feature is not available to the public of the development stage, we are using the software wix to create this website. Website Link: https://www.wix.com/website/builder?storyId=d4e39031-44b6-45ea-b591-582d3e5cf547&editorSessionId=fea4ad13-9716-43be-bf1f-10bd97e5fa4b&referralInfo=dashboard#!/builder/story/d4e39031-44b6-45ea-b591-582d3e5cf547:3645dd57-0c75-464c-9bd6-bba60c83559f  

This is the development of the programs that are going to be used at the venue. What this is showing is the development of the colour scheme and seeing what colours will work to catch the eye of the audience. We are able to do this using the software Canva.

This one showed the same production as the last one, just using flyers instead of a program.

This is the example is was using for the first image. This inspired my idea of the tournament style voting system.



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