
Showing posts from October, 2019

MastHead Brush Preset Text


UK Television Advertising

3 UK Adverts Cadbury has a famous ad including a gorilla playing the drums, it was released in the summer of 2007 as the company was suffering from a salmonella scare. This was on anytime of the day and became known everywhere just from the audio of Phil Collin's "In the air tonight" and people would think of the advert. The estimated cost for the entire campaign was £6.2 million.            2. 'Compare the meerkat' advert has become well-known in England with over 700,000+ fans on social media alone. This campaign had made market shares go up by 76% and the sites overall sales doubled. There is no price for this advert. 3. The famous coke-cola Christmas advert has become well-known and is shown for 'the start of Christmas'. The ad shows multiple coke-cola truck with Christmas decorations on it and Santa, driving through snow and lighting up a town this would be on at 7:30 pm and would have costed around £40,000+. 3 Pop

Print Media- Leaflets, Brochures, and leaflets


Print Media - UK magazines

This magazine is a sport one that mainly focuses on football it covers interviews, facts, matches, good and bad players , etc. In this specific one though it’s main headline in Zinedine Zidane with a bruised face which makes us as the reader want to know what happened to him as from what we know he shouldn’t be getting injured for any reason, but it is used as a metaphor for his battle against Real Madrid to be able to become manager. When using “Real Madrid’s Pep” it is referring to tactical genius Pep Guardiola who has lead many teams to victory in their respected leagues and in Europe. This is shown as a sign of respect for his mastermind of leading Real Madrid to 3 consecutive UEFA Champions League trophies and making them once again into European Giants. This magazine is also a sport magazine but this is know for just  rugby and self-proclaimed “ world’s best-selling rugby magazine” which they have no way of proving. This magazine contains chances of teams winning, q

Print Media - UK Tabloids and Broadsheets.

These are just some tabloids and broadsheets that i have used that all have different types of information. 1) This is a tabloid that goes over religion and conspiracy theories. They also have exaggerated headlines such as 'Nutty Noah builds ark in his garden', they are just trying to make stories out of old news. It’s giving the headlines humorous phrases to intrigue the reader into what type of newspaper it is. As it is a red top newspaper it is less serious this is why it is given ridiculous names. 2) This tabloid is about sports and it is spreading rumours and gossip about recent events in the sporting world. In this case the article is about how Steve Smith the Australian captain and his recent case of admitting to cheating which could affect the nations chances of winning the event and most of the blame would be forced onto him as he would be unable to play this also forces vicious backlash onto Smith as he was unable to get into the game. 3) This is a tabloid about

Radio Ads & Jingles Homework

5 Radio Ads on Radio Stations and what time of day it's on: 1) Pizza Hut World Cup advert was on at around noon as that would be time people would be hungry and it is just before any of the world cup matches are on. 2) Starbucks has an ad for in the morning when people usually need caffeine to wake them up or keep them awake. 3) IKEA has a 'morning face' ad that talks about how the people wake up looking tired and with a bed from IKEA it would all go away this would be an ad for morning time. 4) Tesco have an ad about a sale that is going on and would be on in the morning when people are on their way to work so that they remember on the way back to go shopping their as it would be cheaper. 5) Nando's advert on spotify would be on noon because people would be coming home from work and properly want something to eat but cannot be bothered with making it so they decide to eat out because they heard the ad. 3 Jingles: 1) This is capital FM radi

Print Media - UK billboards

This advert is used so that  McDonalds can show that they use fresh potatoes not processed with no added chemicals or pesticides. this was published after a rumour was spread that there chips where given chemicals to be the way they are. This ad is used by aldi as a way to make customers feel humour from the reference to Bon Jovi's Livin' on a prayer this makes it feel normal as we have something in common making you read the ad and notice that it is about a sale. This ad is funny as it tells what is at the location while the bill board is carved around the tunnel where it 'eats' you, representing the place you're going as a place where you can eat as much as you like.  This ad is used in a humourous way as people usually ignore ads/billboards if they have nothing interesting about them this means that they would focus on something that is unnatural. This is how subway gets the attention of the public and draws people in. This billboard s

MastHead Picture Text

To do this piece of work first you had to right click on the typing part, then it comes up with a sub bar where you then click the horizontal type mask tool where you will type 'MastHead' five times with different fonts and each with a different picture that fills it. To fill in the text you've typed you have click the fill in tool and then click the text to fill in the text. Next you need to find an image that you like and copy it off the internet and go back onto Photoshop and click edit and go down to paste special and hover over it where it will then give you 2 options and you want to click paste into and now the picture is in the text. Now to make it bigger/wider click Ctrl+T and it will give you an option to expand it.